Read the text about Leela and her family.
(Прочитайте текст про Лілу та її сім'ю!)
My name is Leela Jaffray and I'm seventeen. I’m from Mumbai, India. There are five people in my family: my father, mother, two brothers and me. My parents are called Anand and Ramya. My father has got his own restaurant. My brothers, Ravi and Vijay, are teachers. And me? Well, I'm a student at Vijay's school - and I love cricket! In fact, we all love sports in my family! Our favourite food is vegetables! My family and I would love to welcome you into our home.
Choose the right ending.
(Виберіть правильне закінчення речення!)
  1. My name is Leela Jaffray and I'm .
  2. I love !
  3. Our favourite food is !
Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. Upstream Beginner.- Express Publishing: Newbury, 151c.
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