Read the text below. For questions choose the correct answer. 
Travelling Adventure
Why do so many amusing incidents during train journeys? I want to tell you about one of such cases. So, I remember the day when a ticket inspector entered the where six or eight commuters were sitting. Everyone quickly found their tickets —   for the man sitting next to me. His hands searched urgently into his pockets, and then he began to search through his briefcase. Everyone else could see where his ticket was — he was gripping it between his teeth.
The ticket inspector calmly dealt with all the other passengers. Then, equally calmly, he drew the ticket out from between the man’s teeth, it with a frown and popped it back again.
Once the inspector had left, most of the passengers down and carried on reading their morning papers. the passenger who’d had his ticket in his mouth, he popped it into his pocket, looking very relieved.
He was quite a friendly person, so to make I said to him, “You must have felt foolish — searching in all your pockets while it was in your mouth.”
“Foolish?” he whispered. “Not at all — I was chewing the date .”
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