Read the text «Where is my teddy bear?»
(Прочитай текст «Де мій плюшевий ведмедик?»)

Where is my teddy bear?
Where is he?
Where is my teddy bear?
I can't find him anywhere!
Look behind the bedroom door.
Is he hiding there?
Look behind the bedroom door.
I can't find him anywhere!
Look in front of the sofa.
Is he hiding there?
Look in front of the sofa.
I can't find him anywhere!
Look between the bed and chair.
Is he hiding there?
Look between the bed and chair.
I can't find him anywhere!
Look next to the big toy box.
Is he hiding there?
Look next to the big toy box.
Yes, my teddy's hiding there!
Fill the gaps in the sentences.
(Заповни пропуски в реченнях.)
1. I can't him anywhere!
2. Look in front of the .
3. Look the big toy box.
Family and Friends 2. Class Book, Tamzin Thompson, Naomi Simmons, Oxford University Press.
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