Read the text and help the tiger fill in the gaps.
(Прочитай текст і допоможи тигреняті заповнити пропуски.)
Alan, Robert and Eddy are good friends but they are different. Alan is the oldest. He is already \(9\) years old. Robert is younger than Alan but he is taller than Alan. Eddy is the shortest and the youngest of all three friends but he is the funniest and the cleverest, too. Robert isn't as clever as Eddy but he's better at school subjects than Alan.
All three friends have got pets — dogs. Robert has got the biggest dog. Its name is Bella. Eddy's dog isn't as big as Bella but it's bigger than Alan's dog. Its name is Sadie. Baddy is the smallest dog of all three dogs. Bella is the most expensive dog, and Sadie is the most active. Alan, Robert and Eddy usually walk their dogs together in the park.
1. Robert is   than Alan but he is taller than Alan.
2. Eddy's dog isn't as   as Bella but it's bigger than Alan's dog.
3. Bella is the most expensive dog, and Sadie is  .
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