Read the text about animals and their colours.
(Прочитай текст про тварин та їхнє забарвлення.)
This is a dog. The dog is small. The dog is black. It says, «Woof-woof».
This is a cat. The cat is small. It is red. The cat says, «Mew-mew».
This is a pig. The pig is big. It is pink. The pig says, «Oink-oink».
This is a hen. The hen is small. The hen is red. It says, «Cluck-cluck». 
This is a cow. The cow is big. It is brown. The cow says, «Moo-moo».
This is a duck. The duck is small. It says, «Quack-quack».            
This is a sheep. The sheep is white. It is big. It says, «Bah-bah».
Write yes, no, doesn't say.
(Напиши yes, no, doesn't say (так, ні, не згадується).)

1. The cat is small.
2. The pig is big.
3. The cow is big.
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