Read the dialogue about the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. (Прочитай діалог про міську мишу та про сільську мишу.)
Country Mouse: Come along, Town Mouse. Time to eat!
Town Mouse: But Country Mouse, where's the meat?
Country Mouse: Oh dear! No meat for me.
I'm a country mouse, you see.
I eat bread and cheese,
And honey from bees.
Town Mouse: Yuk, yuk! No, thank you!
This place isn't pretty —
Come with me,
Let's go to the city!
Fill in the gaps in the sentences. (Заповни пропуски в реченнях.)
1. Come along, Town Mouse.  to eat!
2. I eat  and cheese, and honey from bees.
3. Yuk, ! No, thank you!
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