Методична рекомендація:


Номер Назва Опис
1. Modal verbs. Can and could Grammar material related to 'can ' and 'could'.
2. Modal verb. Must Grammar related to the topic 'Modal verbs. Must'.
3. Modal verbs. Must and have to Grammar material related to the topic 'Must and have to'.
4. Modal verbs. Should Grammar material related to the topic 'Should'.
5. Modal verbs. May and might Grammar material related to 'may' and 'might'.
6. Modal verbs. General moments Grammar material related to some general aspects of modal verbs.
7. Uses of modal verbs. General moments Grammar material related to the topic 'Modal verbs'.
8. Expressing ability and inability Grammar related to the topic 'Modal verbs. Ability and disability'.
9. Modal verbs. Expressing certainty and possibility Grammar related to the topic 'Modal verbs. Certainty and possibility'.
10. Modal verbs. Deduction Grammar material related to modal verbs and deduction.
11. Modal verbs. Preferences Grammar material related to the topic 'Modal verbs. Expressing preferences'.
12. Modal verbs. A scale of choice Grammar material related to modal verbs, a 'scale of choice'.
13. Modal verbs. Expressing habits Grammar material related to the topic "Modal verbs. Expressing habits'.
14. Modal verbs. Need and dare Grammar related to the topic 'Need and dare'.


Номер Назва Вид Складність Бали Опис
1. Must or can? 1 вид - рецептивний легке 1,5Б. Multiple-choice questions. Grammar practice related to the topic 'Modal verbs - Must or Can'.
2. Sentences with modal verbs. Correct or incorrect? 1 вид - рецептивний легке 1Б. Practice in grammar related to general moments about modal verbs.
3. Can or could 1 вид - рецептивний легке 1,5Б. Multiple-choice questions. Grammar practice regarding to modal verbs - can or could.
4. Choose must or had to 1 вид - рецептивний легке 1Б. Practice in grammar related to the topic 'Modal verbs. Must and had to'.
5. May or might 2 вид - інтерпретація середнє 3Б. Multiple-choice questions regarding to the topic 'Modal verbs'. Practice in 'may' and ' might.'
6. Shall or will? 2 вид - інтерпретація середнє 3Б. Multiple-choice questions. Grammar practice in modal verbs - shall or will.
7. Can and to be able to 2 вид - інтерпретація середнє 3Б. Multiple-choice questions. Grammar practice in modal verbs- can or be able to.
8. Could, should, would 2 вид - інтерпретація середнє 3Б. Multiple-choice questions. Practice in grammar related to the topic 'Modal verbs- could, would, should'.
9. Modal verb have to. Different forms 2 вид - інтерпретація середнє 3Б. Practice in grammar related to the topic 'Modal verb. Have to'.

Додаткові завдання (Мій+)

Номер Назва Вид Складність Бали Опис
1. Should or should have Інший середнє 3Б. Grammar practice regarding to the forms: should, should have done.
2. Listening. A song by R.Kelly Інший важке 4,5Б. Grammar and listening practice related to modal verbs.
3. Listening. A song 'Hero' Інший важке 4,5Б. Practice in listening and grammar related to the topic 'Modal verbs'.
4. Listening. A song by Mark Anthony Інший важке 4,5Б. Practice in listening and reading related to the topic 'Modal verbs'.
5. Listening. A song by Britney Spears Інший важке 4,5Б. Practice in grammar and listening related to modal verbs.


Номер Назва Рекомендований час: Складність Бали Опис
1. Training test. Modal verbs 00:15:00 середнє 6,5Б. Grammar practice in different modal verbs.

Тести (Мій+)

Номер Назва Рекомендований час: Складність Бали Опис
1. Training test. Modal verbs in sentences 00:15:00 середнє 8,5Б. Practice in grammar regarding to different types of modal verbs.

Перевірочні тести (приховані від учнів)

Номер Назва Рекомендований час: Складність Бали Опис
1. Homework. Practice with modal verbs 00:20:00 середнє 11,5Б. Practice in listening and grammat regarding to modal verbs.
2. Homework. Modal verbs and their forms 00:25:00 середнє 14Б. Practice in grammar, wriitng, listening regarding to modal verbs and their forms.
3. Progress test. Writing with modal verbs 00:30:00 важке 20Б. Practice in modal verbs. Writing and grammar tasks.
4. Progress test. Types of modal verbs 00:30:00 важке 21,5Б. Practice in grammar, listening and writing regarding to different types of modal verbs.