Методична рекомендація:


Номер Назва Опис
1. Present continuous Usage of present continuous.
2. Present continuous. Formation


Номер Назва Вид Складність Бали Опис
1. Affirmative sentences. 'To be' and the verb 2 вид - інтерпретація середнє 3Б. Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets and the correct form of 'to be'
2. Adding -ing to verbs 2 вид - інтерпретація важке 4Б. Choose one of the given words and use them in a sentence for it to make sense.
3. Negative sentences 2 вид - інтерпретація середнє 3Б. Multiple-choice. Choose the correct negative sentence in present continuous.
4. Questions 2 вид - інтерпретація важке 4Б. Use the given information in the brackets to construct questions in present continuous.
5. Listening. Multiple-choice. Choose the correct verb to complete the lyrics 2 вид - інтерпретація середнє 4Б. Listen to the song and choose the correct words to complete the lyrics. Pay attention to the spelling and use of present continuous.

Додаткові завдання (Мій+)

Номер Назва Вид Складність Бали Опис
1. Listening. Gap-filling. Use the given words in present continuous form Інший важке 4Б. Change the given words into present continuous and use them in the appropriate places.
2. Present simple or present continuous Інший середнє 6Б. Multiple-choice questions (6 questions). Subject: Present - Present Simple or Present Progressive (Continuous)
3. Present continuous or present simple Інший середнє 3Б. Multiple-choice questions. Subject: Present - Present Simple or Present Continuous


Номер Назва Рекомендований час: Складність Бали Опис
1. Present continuous 00:00:00 середнє 21Б. Check your understanding of present continuous usage in variety of exercises.