To speak about desserts, you need the appropriate vocabulary.

Biscuit - a thin, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet;
Bun - a small, round cake;
Jam - a sweet food made from fruit that you spread on bread;
Jelly - a soft but solid sweet food that shakes when you move it;
Cake - a sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar, and eggs mixed together and baked;
Candy - a small piece of sweet food made from sugar, chocolate, etc;
Honey - a sweet, sticky food that is made by bees;
Ice cream - a sweet food made from frozen milk or cream and sugar;
Cookies - a thin, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet;
Cake - a sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar, and eggs mixed together and baked;
Pudding - in the US, a soft, sweet food made from milk, sugar, eggs, and sometimes flour;
Sugar - a very sweet substance used to give flavour to food and drinks;
Chocolate - a sweet, brown food that is usually sold in a block;
Tiramisu - a sweet, cold Italian dish, consisting of soft cheese, cake, coffee, and sometimes alcohol;
Cheesecake - a sweet cake made with soft, white cheese on a biscuit base.
We would like to try cheesecake.
Do you eat puddings for dinner?
My sister has bought a lot of candies.
Jam is my favourite dessert.