To speak about team games, you should use the appropriate vocabulary.

Attack - in games such as football, when the players in a team try to score points, goals, etc;
Ball - a round object that you throw, kick, or hit in a game, or something with this shape;
Basketball - a game in which two teams try to win points by throwing a ball through a high net;
Block - something that makes it difficult to move or make progress;
Сentre forward - in some team sports such as football, the player in the middle of the front row of forwards (= players who try to score goals);
Defender - someone who tries to stop the other sports team from scoring points;
Score - the number of points someone gets in a game or test;
Field - an area of grass where you can play a sport;
Football - a game in which two teams of players kick a round ball and try to score goals;
Forward - a player who plays in front of you, in the certain direction;
Goal - a point scored in sports such as football when a player sends a ball or other object into a particular area, such as between two posts;
Goalkeeper - the player in a sport such as football who tries to stop the ball going into the goal;
Keep score - to record the number of points won by competitors;
Open the score - start the game with a score, win points.
What's the score?
He scored two goals in the second half.
We need someone to score for tomorrow's match.
He is the best goalkeeper in the world.