Study the information about adverbs. General moments.
Adverbs describe verbs, they explain how, where, how often something happens.

He drives carefully. (How does he drive? Carefully)
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We usually dorm an adverb by adding -ly to an adjective:

Slow - slowly

But some verbs are the same as their adjectives. Remember them:

Hard, daily, fast, early, late, monthly.

He runs fast. He is a fast runner.
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The adverb “good” is irregular. Good - well.

She works well.
Order of adverbs.

1. Adverbs of frequency go after auxiliary verbs but before main verbs.

He is never late. He never comes late.
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2. When there are more than two adverbs, remember this order.

Subject + predicate + manner + place + time.

3. When there is a verb of movement, then use this order:

4. Subject + predicate + place + manner + time.