Read the text "Food". Marion shares he thoughts about food.

I was browsing through a bookshop today and I picked up a book on food, which is quite usual for me cause I love food, em, but this book was a bit different, em, it tried to make the connection between the kind of food you eat and how it makes you feel so, for example, sometimes if I'm, if I'm a bit sad, we’ll say, I think to myself, oh, I’d love some chocolate and that will make me feel better, and sometimes it does, or it feels like it does anyway. I’m not sure if that really works, but the author of this book seemed to think that there’s a definite link between, what you, you know, what you eat and how you feel, or how it makes you feel. She talks about things like, em, yeah, things like chocolate and other sweet things. She says that it releases endorphins, so that, you know endorphins are chemicals, they kind of, they make you feel good, I think is the idea. They help you deal with stress as well as she says, so yeah, that seems to, that seems to work, I think. One of my friends told me recently that when she feels a bit, a bit sluggish as if she doesn’t have much energy, she’ll go to a restaurant or go home and cook some meat cause she feels that that gives her, gives her energy, so I was interested to read today that this author, she mentions how sometimes the body will feel a need to, I don’t know, to be more sharp, or to have energy and that sometimes that means that you need protein and protein obviously would comes from meat. It seems to work for my friend anyway, but I haven’t tried it myself anyway.
Write 3 words into each gap.
1. She says that it releases endorphins, so that, you know   , they kind of, they make you feel good, I think is the idea.
2. She’ll go to a   home and cook some meat cause she feels that that gives her, gives her energy, so I was interested to read today that this author.
3. It seems   my friend anyway, but I haven’t tried it myself anyway.
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