Study some information about questions (general and special) in Past Perfect Continuous.
Для утворення Past Perfect Continuous вживаємо конструкцію had been і основне дієслово із закінченням -ing.
Subject \(+\) had \(+\) been \(+\) Ving \(+\) other parts of the sentence.
У питальних реченнях дотримуйтесь наступного порядку слів.
General question
Had \(+\) subject \(+\) been \(+\) Ving \(+\) other parts of the sentence?
Had she been cooking a lemon pie for an hour before I came?

Special question
Question word (when, why, how, what...) \(+\) had \(+\) subject \(+\) been \(+\) Ving \(+\) other parts of the sentence?
Why had he been talking on the phone for half an hour when I entered the room?
