To make negative sentences, we put not after am/is/are.
Щоб утворити заперечені речення, ми вживаємо not після am/is/are.
![]() | The boy is building a sandcastle. He is not swimming in the sea. Хлопчик будує замок із піску. Він не плаває в морі. |
![]() | The girl is feeding the horse. She is not riding. Дівчинка годує коня. Вона не скаче верхи. |
Remember long and short forms:
Запам'ятай повні та скорочені форми:
Long Form Повна форма | Short Form Скорочена форма |
I am not | I'm not |
You are not | You aren't |
He is not | He isn't |
She is not | She isn't |
It is not | It isn't |
We are not | We aren't |
You are not | You aren't |
They are not | They aren't |