Read the text «Dinosaurs».
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Millions of years ago, many kinds of dinosaurs roamed Earth. The name of one kind of dinosaur was Iguanodon (ee-gwan-eh-don). The Iguanodon looked like a giant lizard. It had tough skin. The Iguanodon's skin must have felt like leather! Iguanodons ate plants.
Brontosaurus dinosaurs lived in the swamps. Swamps are water areas where many plants grow. Here are the names of the other kinds of dinosaurs that lived in the swamps: Diplodocus (dip-low-dock-us), Brachiosaurus (bracky-o-saur-us), and Cetiosaurus (set-e-o-saur-us). These dinosaurs had small heads and small brains.
They weighed 20 tons or more. They grew to be 60 feet long! These animals did not need to have sharp teeth.
Write true, false, doesn’t say:
1. Millions of years ago, many kinds of dinosaurs roamed Earth.
2. Here are the names of the other kinds of dinosaurs that lived in the swamps: Diplodocus Brachiosaurus, and Cetiosaurus.
3. They weighed 30 tons or more.
Reading Comprehension.- American Education Publishing: Greensboro, USA, 32c.
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