To speak about healthy lifestyle, you need the appropriate vocabulary.

Balanced/healthy diet - a combination of the correct types and amounts of food;
Calorie - a unit of energy, often used as a measurement of the amount of energy that food provides;
Crash diet - a way of losing body weight quickly by eating very little;
Diet - an eating plan in which someone eats less food, or only particular types of food, because they want to become thinner or for medical reasons;
Digestion - the process by which your body digests food, or your ability to digest food;
To be in a diet - to follow a diet;
To cut down on sugar/fat - reduce eating products with sugar/fat;
To do stretching exercises - to make your body or your arms and legs straight so that they are as long as possible, in order to exercise the joints (= place where two bones are connected) after you have been in the same place or position for a long time;
To give up smoking/junk food - to stop smoking, eating unhealthy food;
To go to the gym/exercise class - to attend the place where you have physical activity;
To injure - to hurt or cause physical harm to a person;
To lose weight - to become lighter;
To pull a muscle - to injure a muscle by stretching it too far so that it is very painful;
To put on weight - to become heavier;
To take vitamins - swallow useful tablets;
To warm up - if an event warms up, it starts to become more interesting, enjoyable, or exciting;
Vegetarian - a person who does not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because they want to avoid being cruel to animals;
He found calorie-counting the best way of losing weight.
I'm going on a diet next week and hope to lose ten pounds before Christmas.
Russell pulled a back muscle early in the game.
My friend is a vegetarian.