Look at the calendar, then rewrite the sentences! Use the expressions from the box!
(Поглянь на сторінку календаря та перепиши речення! Використай подані вислови!)
two weeks ago, last Sunday, yesterday, a week ago, last Tuesday, three days ago, three weeks ago
april (2).svg
Sue visited her grandma on the first of April.
Sue visited her grandma three weeks ago.
1.  may.svg
Mary was in school on the nineteenth of May.
Mary was in school .
2.  septembr.svg
My sister and my brother were at the cinema on the thirteenth of September.
My sister and my brother were at the cinema .
3.  april (2).svg
Tom and his dad were in Riga on the sixteenth of April.
Tom and his dad were in Riga .
Ви повинні авторизуватися, щоб відповісти на завдання. Будь ласка, увійдіть в свій профіль на сайті або зареєструйтеся.