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The Meaning of Monkey Talk
Krak! Hok! Boom! These might sound random noises to us, but to a species of monkey living in Ivory Coast, they a very specific meaning. During study of the Campbell’s monkeys in the Tai National Park, naturalists that when the monkeys spotted a leopard on the prowl, they would cry “Krak!” to other members of their group of the danger. A hok, by , alerted other monkeys that a crowned eagle was circling overhead. Boom seemed only to indicate that a branch had broken a nearby tree.
What particularly intrigued the researchers, however, was the fact that the creatures weren’t just certain sounds to certain events, but seemed to have developed a kind of syntax. Sometimes, for instance, a monkey would add an oo sound to one of the abovementioned noises, to suggest a(an) but more general threat: so krak-oo would mean that there was danger, but not   from a leopard. “The language of the Campbell’s monkeys may be “the most complex example of ‘proto-syntax’ in animal communication known to date”, the researchers told.
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