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Meet Peter Tabichi, Winner of the Global Teacher Prize 2019
The winner of the 2019 US $1,000,000 prize was n stage by movie star Hugh Jackman.
Peter was chosen from top 10 finalists who come from all of the globe. From teaching in remote towns and villages to inner-city schools, they advocate for inclusivity and integrate migrants into the classrooms, and develop their students’   and confidence using music, technology, robotics and science.
95% of his pupils come from poor families, almost a third are orphans or have only one parent, and many go without food at home. Turning lives around in a school with only one computer, poor internet, and a student-teacher ratio of 58:1, is no easy task, not least when to reach the school, students must walk 7 km along roads that become in the rainy season. However, through making his students   in themselves, Peter has dramatically improved his pupils’ achievement and self-esteem.
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